Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All Before 10AM

Well I woke up this morning with another ridiculous headache. I tell myself "oh well sista, push through your a mommy". That may have worked but my Keurig passed away and My Husband had to remove her from my sight. My heart was crushed. So I pulled out my old coffee pot and brewed up some Keurig cups. Hoping this may take the edge off my headache. As she was a brewin I hear a shatter.....I ran in and My dear sweet angel Emalee had broken my favorite coffee mug. I see that half of her banana is missing. No way she ate it that fast.  She loves to eat but I know she is no mole (FYI it's the fastest eating mammal).  Then I call out to Chase....NO ANSWER.  I KEEP calling....No answering.  I then head into his room and ask "Why are you not answering me????"  "I NOT CHASE!!!"  "Who are you?"  "I am ASTRO BOY DUN DA DUNNNN!!!!".  So now I must call him Astro Boy Dun Da Dunn or he will NOT answer me.  Bryce then decides to rub my head.  What a sweetie pie!!!!  Trying to help Mommy :)  Then Chase has to go use the bathroom. I tell him go ahead I will be in, in a minute. I hear in and he somehow managed to get the toilet paper holder thing stuck on his neck.  How does one do that???  What gave him the idea?  He's crying and wiggling getting Poo all over the seat. I get it off, clean everything up and we head out to the living room. I decide....hey, maybe if I workout this headache will go away. I put my socks on, grab my shoes and slip my feet in. Suddenly I feel something cool and squishy on my right foot. Pull her out and VWALLA.....Emalee's missing piece of banana.  I KNEW IT!!!!  Now way she wolfed down that banana! Now to clean my shoes but wait, wait for dish soap is missing. How is this possible?? Within the last week my laptop charger, blow dryer, bra and now my dish soap have gone MIA. It's not even 10am and my blessings have done a number on me. All I can do is laugh and be Thankful for my babies. Where else can I get memories like this?????

Life is not always what you plan

In High School I swore I would NEVER EVER have children.  I thought....Who the heck wants to be tied down, responsible for kids and never have your OWN life?????

WELL.......I am now that person.  I have 4 children that God Blessed me with.  I now look at things so differently.  I am filled with so much joy and Love.  I can not imagine a life without my kids.  Now don't get me wrong, there are days I wonder what life may have been and sometimes I feel I need to be placed in a home from the stress BUT the Good outweighs the bad in so many ways.  My hope for this Blog is to share my moments.....Wonderful, Terrible, Funny or Sad. Being a Mother is VERY hard work.  For me at least.  I have Days where I am so happy with my life and Children and days where I struggle to find the good.  I am hoping by writing this Blog.....I can re read it and find the Good in everything.  I also want Mothers to know that no matter how Lost you may feel or Stressed as a Mom....GOD WILL PULL YOU THROUGH!!!!  He gets me through every day. He is Amazing!!!!!!  Without him, I don't know how I would make it through some days.