Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Life is not always what you plan

In High School I swore I would NEVER EVER have children.  I thought....Who the heck wants to be tied down, responsible for kids and never have your OWN life?????

WELL.......I am now that person.  I have 4 children that God Blessed me with.  I now look at things so differently.  I am filled with so much joy and Love.  I can not imagine a life without my kids.  Now don't get me wrong, there are days I wonder what life may have been and sometimes I feel I need to be placed in a home from the stress BUT the Good outweighs the bad in so many ways.  My hope for this Blog is to share my moments.....Wonderful, Terrible, Funny or Sad. Being a Mother is VERY hard work.  For me at least.  I have Days where I am so happy with my life and Children and days where I struggle to find the good.  I am hoping by writing this Blog.....I can re read it and find the Good in everything.  I also want Mothers to know that no matter how Lost you may feel or Stressed as a Mom....GOD WILL PULL YOU THROUGH!!!!  He gets me through every day. He is Amazing!!!!!!  Without him, I don't know how I would make it through some days.

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