Saturday, September 3, 2011

My Brycee Poo Poo

On May 5th 2006, I had a feeling I may be pregnant.  I had a pregnancy test on hand (from when I took a million more test WHILE pregnant with Aidan) and took it.  It of course came up positive but then the what if's popped into my head.  What if the test gave a false positive? What if it's to old? What if I have the hormone but am not REALLY pregnant ( Cause we all know this always happens, right?)?  You know all those ridiculous thoughts you have????

Well.....I just knew once again it was wrong.  I called a friend and headed to Walmart.  The whole 15 min drive I kept getting overly excited but was still scared.  I knew my Fiance (now Husband) would be worried but excited.  I knew that I should have waited till we got married.  I kept thinking....what will everyone think?  Will they think I just keep getting pregnant because I'm an idiot?  Well I met my friend and we headed into the store.  I bought a 2pack of EPT and a 2Pack of First Response.  I knew that with just taking one more there was still a chance of it being wrong again.  So I sat down and....yep you guess it.....peed on ALL 4!!!!!!!  When they simultaneously all came up positive I felt sick.  Then the doubts set in.  I it's all going to happen again. AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!  I gathered my thoughts and tried to calm down.

I began  my 15 min drive home.  I still wonder how one person can have so many darn thoughts in 15mins.  I pulled up into our driveway and just sat there for a half hr.  I quietly walked in to our house and crawled back into bed with him (I failed to mention it was 5am).  I cuddled up next to him and nudged him.  He rolled over and I said as quickly as I could "I'm pregnant".  "Huh?"  Darn it I have to repeat it again????  UGH!!!  "I'm pregnant Honey".  He just looked at me and said "Well, your pregnant and we will handle it together".  I was amazed that he didn't freak out.  Honestly it made me mad that I was freaking out inside and he was fine.

Well a bit later I called my Mom and said "Hey I have something to tell you".  Her first response was "Your pregnant aren't you?"  "yes"....I began to cry.  They once again she said we are disappointed but will support you.  Having them be disappointed is so much worse then if they had been angry.  Parents ;)  They reassured me of the fact that they still love me and that they were there.

At our First appt we got to see our lil bean.  The baby had such a strong heartbeat.  Aidan was with us and seemed to be excited!  We could see the baby moving around.  Mark (my then Fiance) just looked in aww.  Like he didn't know how to react.  It was just a blob with a heartbeat.  Non the less it was very exciting for us.  Aidan kept saying "Mama has a baby."  I know he didn't really know what was going on but he was very excited.

For the next 2 mths we talked about how much we would love to add a girl to our little family.  We had a Girl name picked out but no boy names.  This time I KNEW it was a girl.  It had to be right?  Well in August we went in for our gender ultrasound.  We went into the room and I laid back on the bed.  The Dr. began the U/S and you could see the Baby's little fingers, the cute tiny toes...then wait the Dr. said "I think it might be a Girl".  OH MY GOSH!!!!!  Seriously?????  Mark's face lite up.  then he switched to 3D.  He then said "No....I was wrong (giggled).  It's a boy".  Honestly I felt very sad and so did Mark.  All I've ever wanted was a girl. 

We left the appt and Mark drove us to the store.  We went into the baby section.  I kept looking at girl clothes but I remember Mark came over with the baby's first outfit.  It was a cute little blue outfit with a puppy on it.  I then thought it would be kinda nice for Aidan to have a brother.

Over the next few months we were in the process of picking out a name.  It would have been a fun experience had Mark not been soooooo picky.  EVERY single name I liked he shot down.  I was beginning to panic.  We were 4 weeks away from the baby with NO NAME coming.  I wanted a name NOW!!!!  One night I had a dream that we had named him Keeton and in the dream Mark signed the Birth certificate.  I ran up to the Lady and said...wait...I want Bryce.  It was to late.  As soon as I woke up I said "Hey, what about Bryce?".  He loved it.  So now our baby boy had a name : )

On Dec 30th 2006 I went into the hospital for an induction.  That night they placed in a waffer to soften my cervix.  The Dr stated that contractions normally don't start for a cpl hrs after.  WRONG!!!!  Within 20min I began having strong contraction.  It was bad.  They began the pitocin the next morning at 5am.  Oh My Gosh......seriously the worst contractions ever.  I hardly had enough time to breath in between.  Shortly after 8am I got my epidural.  We called my parents to tell them to head to the hospital.  I needed my Mama there.  She was so great when I had Aidan....I just needed her with me.  Mark was so great helping me out.  He rubbed my head and got me water, ice and everything else I needed.  Well at 9:20 the nurse came in to check me and I was dilated to 7cm.  As soon as she walked out I told Mark and his Mom...."I NEED TO PUSH".  They went and got the nurse.  She came in and said "His head is right there."  I Burst into tears.  MY mom still wasn't there.  I couldn't do this without her.  She is my rock.  I kept saying...No but he was coming.  I called my Mom and I remember crying so hard......I just wanted her there with me.  She answered and I said "He's coming".  She started crying.  She sat on the phone with me the whole time.  3 pushes and Baby Bryce was born at 9:30am.  My mom had hang up and I felt so sad she hadn't been there but so happy to welcome baby Bryce.  He was soooo cute!!!!!  They laid him on my chest, I then gave him to Mark to take over to the little baby station.

My Parents got there 20 min after he was born.  I was so happy to see my Mom.  It was sad the drive took so much longer then we thought it would.  I still cry...even writing this.  I am so happy they got there shortly after though.

We were so happy to have Bryce here.  We couldn't wait for Aidan to meet him.  Marks parents brought Aidan to the hospital the next day.  Since it was RSV season he couldn't come in to meet him. I was soooo sad.  Aidan sat outside the nursery window as I held Bryce up.  He got the BIGGEST smile on his face.  Then he did the sweetest thing I've ever seen.  He kissed his little hand and placed it on the I put up Bryce's hand up to the window.  Aidan was in aww of his new baby brother. 

When we brought him home Aidan was such a big helper.  Bryce seemed to take to Aidan very quickly.  Watching Aidan hold him for the first time was sooo precious.

Now Bryce is growing up so fast.  He is so sweet and funny.  He has a little lisp and I adore it.  He is such a helper and loves to help take care of his younger siblings.  He is a bit mouthy and likes to throw some fits......he can be such a stinker.  He really is a great boy though.  I was afraid of not having enough love to give him....I have more then enough though.  He is very easy to love.  I can not imagine not having him.  He loves to dance and sing.  He always makes me laugh with the funny things he says.  I love watching him grow but hate it at the same time.  Time passes way to quickly.  He is and always will be my Brycee Poo Poo!!!!!

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